Burberry官方網站女用皮件, 請點進去看看
Burberry官方網站男用皮件, 也請點點看
在英國只買的到黑標的 Burberry 喲!
在台灣最受歡迎的就是他的皮件, 所以我特地把皮件類的標出來
其實點進去都是同一個官網, 只是節省網友們的時間, 所以我就直接拉出來了
Burberry 的風衣更是好看到不行, 可以穿個20年也不退流行
Burberry 的童裝也很吸引我, 小朋友穿起來就像小貴族一樣
不過英國媽媽我是窮人家, 所以只能看看就好
因為實在不善於管理部落格, 一些問題沒有及時回覆或者等我看到時已經很久了, 在此跟個位美女帥哥說聲抱歉
不過我每天都會看e-mail, 所以請帥哥美女用e-mail 跟我連絡, 才可以得到及時回覆喔!
回覆刪除你好~請問代購這二件風衣 各要多少錢? 謝謝 https://uk.burberry.com/short-cotton-gabardine-trench-coat-p38973681以及https://uk.burberry.com/cotton-twill-trench-coat-p38220801
回覆刪除Beacon Sports Jacket
回覆刪除From the Dept B capsule
Barbour Heritage
The three-pocket waxed Beacon Sports jacket is an iconic blazer-style button through, inspired by the limited edition Barbour Sports Jacket worn by Daniel Craig in the James Bond film, Skyfall in...
Beacon Sports Jacket
From the Dept B capsule
Barbour Heritage
The three-pocket waxed Beacon Sports jacket is an iconic blazer-style button through, inspired by the limited edition Barbour Sports Jacket worn by Daniel Craig in the James Bond film, Skyfall in...
Colour:Olive - MWX0007OL71
Beacon Sports Jacket
回覆刪除From the Dept B capsule
Barbour Heritage
The three-pocket waxed Beacon Sports jacket is an iconic blazer-style button through, inspired by the limited edition Barbour Sports Jacket worn by Daniel Craig in the James Bond film, Skyfall in...
Colour:Olive - MWX0007OL71